Vahetamine PHP-s - Kahe ja kolme numbri vahetamine näidetega

Lang L: none (table-of-contents):


Sissejuhatus vahetamisse PHP-s

Selles artiklis õpime numbrite vahetamist PHP-s. Saame teada, kuidas määratleme vahetust, õpime, kuidas kodeerida kahe numbri vahetamist, kuidas vahetada rohkem kui kahte numbrit ja kolme numbrit ning kuidas vahetada numbreid ajutiste muutujatega või ilma ja palju muud.

Alustame kõigepealt määratlusega.

"PHP-s vahetamine on mõiste, mida määratletakse kui väärtuste vahetamist."

Kahe numbri vahetamine on protsess kahe väärtuse vahetamiseks ajutise muutuja abil või ilma. Loodan, et need näited on kasulikud kõigile programmeerijatele, kes soovivad õppida vahetuse kontseptsiooni.

Kuidas PHP-s kahte numbrit vahetada?

Numbrite vahetamiseks on kaks võimalust. Need numbrid sisaldavad arvväärtusi.

  • Kahe numbri vahetamine ajutise muutujaga.
  • Kahe numbri vahetamine ilma ajutise muutujata.

Oletame, et meil on üks muutuja väärtusega 10,

arv1 = 10;

Ja teine ​​muutuja väärtusega 20,

arv2 = 20;

Nende kahe numbri vahetamisel peaks tulemus olema järgmine:

arv1 = 20

arv2 = 10

See on võimalik kolmanda ajutise muutuja kasutamisel ja ka ilma ajutise muutujata. Kahe numbri saab vahetada +, -, *, / operaatorite abil.

1. Kahe numbri vahetamine ajutise muutujaga


// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;

Väljund :

2. Kahe numbri vahetamine ilma ajutise muutujata


// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;


3. Kahe numbri vahetamine, kasutades funktsiooni nagu list () massiiviga ()


// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;


Kuidas PHP-s kolme numbrit vahetada?

Numbrite vahetamiseks on kaks võimalust. Need numbrid sisaldavad arvväärtusi.

  • Kolme numbri vahetamine ajutise muutujaga.
  • Kolme numbri vahetamine ilma ajutise muutujata.

1. Kolme numbri vahetamine ajutise muutuja abil

Nüüd, kui oleme õppinud kahe numbri vahetamist, õpime sarnaselt kolme numbri vahetamist. Järgmine näide näitab, kuidas ajutist (temp) muutujat kasutatakse kolme numbri vahetamiseks.


// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;


2. Kolme numbri vahetamine ajutist muutujat kasutamata

Loogika on siin arvutada kogusumma ja määrata see muutujale $ 1.

Ja siis,

arvutage väärtus num num1, määrake see väärtus num num2,

arvutage väärtus $ num2, määrake see väärtus num3 dollariks,

arvutage väärtus $ num3 ja määrake see väärtus uuesti $ num1-le.


// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;



Loodan, et see artikkel on kasulik kõigile programmeerijatele, kes soovivad õppida numbrite vahetamist. Selles artiklis on nii kahe kui kolme numbri vahetused koos sobivate näidetega. Need näited, kui neid praktiseeritakse, aitavad teil selle mõiste õppida ja aitavad teil ka loogikat meelde jätta.

Soovitatavad artiklid

See on juhend PHP-s vahetamiseks. Siin arutatakse, kuidas vahetada kaks või kolm numbrit ajutiste muutujatega või ilma, koos näidetega. Lisateabe saamiseks võite vaadata ka järgmisi artikleid -

  1. Seansid PHP-s
  2. Mustrid PHP-s
  3. Präänik PHP-s
  4. Ülekoormamine PHP-s
  5. Ülekoormus Java-s
  6. Pythoni ülekoormamine